Tuesday, January 29, 2008


As I watch the coverage of McCain winning Florida, one thing has become crystal clear. The Republican party is in it's final death-throws. When Hillary wins the Presidency, we will all be looking back in wonder as to just how this came to pass. We will lament what we perceive as the failures of Republican campaigns, and tremble with fear for the future of this once great nation. We will point fingers of blame, and pontificate till the cows come home. Truth be told, the only ones who will have a firm grip on what happened will be those who's voices are being ignored today.
It will be the conservative who tried to tell the party to not drink from the fountain of "global warming hysteria". It will be the conservative who tried to tell the party to denounce such insanity as the McCain/Fiengold act. It will be the conservative who tried to tell the party to force the issue of illegal immigration into the debate, and fight aggressively against it. It will be the conservative who told the party to reject the premise that we are all begging for national health care. It will be the conservative who tried to tell the party to promote a candidate who represents the philosophies of our founding fathers, not panders to the masses and whims of the pollsters and media.
In the end, it will be the voice of the conservative that goes unheard. The result will be as follows. McCain will go down in defeat. Followed by four years of the destruction of our military, intelligence services, Supreme Court, right to bear arms, sanctity of marriage, millions of unborn children, health care services, economy, national sovereignty, and a laundry list of liberties.
Though it is ultimately going to be our fault as a nation for not properly educating ourselves, the purpose of having a political party is to organize people who share a similar philosophy. Without that philosophy as the rudder, the ship strays into the rocks. It is the captain and crew of that ship who are responsible for maintaining that rudder. When they fail, the rudder fails. It is high time for a mutiny.

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