Wednesday, September 17, 2008


If there is any silver lining to the mess that is this week's bail-a-thon, it is the fact that we are getting a little glimpse of what a liberal-led government will look like. Let me first remind the readers of this post that I generally try to keep my articles to a liberalism vs. conservatism paradigm (I would never use that word in real life). This is necessary because here in the real world, even Republicans have fell victim to the "government can cure what ails ya' " mantra lately.
First, there's the obvious questions. Who's next? Who is going to be the next to come knocking at the tax payer's door, expecting to be saved from the consequences that should rightfully happen to them? What will be the next industry the liberal government decides to meddle with? Now that the mortgage, automobile, health care, and energy industry have been royally screwed by government intervention, what's next?
Then, there are the secondary questions. What's happened to the educators in this country? Have they stopped teaching children to not borrow more money than they can afford to pay back? Did they forget to teach about responsible budgeting?

Keep in mind that this is the same entity (government bureaucracy) that Barak Obama wants you to put your family's health care in charge of. Since the people have voted against socialized heath care more than once already, I can consult my crystal ball and see the liberal majority regulating and taxing "big health" into un-profitability. Then declaring them "too big to fail", just prior to taking them over.
This could be followed by "big cheeseburger", "big shoe", and "big lawn mower". Before you know it, VIOLA! You have the People's Republic of the Former United States. I just can't wait to see how people react to standing in the bread lines for the first time.